1. Venkatesh Murugadas

    The exact advice that you would give your brother. I could connect to everything that was told here. I believe this is a good resource for people who are joining us in the upcoming semester.


    Excellent write-up on a very important topic for incoming students like myself. It will stand us in good stead if we are able to follow the points mentioned. Thanks for managing time to write such an honest article.

  3. Anuraag

    It’s very kind of you to share the insights!
    The whole idea of leaving the country is overwhelming, it’s good to have someone like you as the mentor.

  4. Madhuri Sajith

    This is by far the best advice I have gotten. It kind of feels like the Indian community always just stays as a close knit and does not explore outside of it. I personally feel we do not move out to a different country to be part of another mini India.
    Great advice to speak up and try things against everyone’s biased opinions.
    Worth a read, everyone aspiring to come to Germany or even just move abroad should read it!

    • Sourajyoti Datta

      Great advice from Anirban. Before taking a decision on University, he had some great pointers for me. And now when I am in Germany, there is still a wealth of insights he provides.

      I urge him to carry on and keep providing such contents!

      Cheers mate! 😊🍻

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