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EoML #3 :1st days of life away from home..

Its not that I dreaded life away from home. Infact I enjoyed the first 3 years outside home.. well thats the hostel life.

The start to a life away from home was smoooth! No hurdles, no problems.. I had already developed as a planner by then.. thanks to Orkut 😛 It was so very smooth, I never imagined that to be smooth.. no sudden excitement or flop shows. After getting my room organised, I realised.. yea I am blessed with room mates like Swastik and Rohit. But yes, sometimes I used to get angry when they used to fall asleep when I felt like talking! 😀

The first day at the auditorium was special. Repetition of promises for a “fantastic” infrastructure and ragging free zone.. I had to strain my ears to listen to stuff.. I found HOD of English to be inspiring enough.. she asked us to lead a free yet responsible life.

A 4th year guy spoke on behalf of the seniors..I was quite motivated but did find anything “auspicious” about the occassion to which he continually kept mentioning. Months later, I found out it was Debmalya da 😀

The first five minutes of my college life, actually found ragging in the otherwise ragging free zone! My seniors presumed me to be overtly smart, having a high self esteem… err being a narcissist, and that I should be taught a lesson for having sent a friend request to a college senior over orkut! Well yes.. that was some time, I wouldnt love to recollect. From being called out from the class, to be threatened, to being called to the tea shop.. it was quite an experience. The only positive that I could have drawn out of it was… yea, I was made to speak to unknown people, speaking all ridiculous stuff, which otherwise I wouldnt have dared.. was made to sing weird songs with boasting confidence.. and I wont go to the dancing part at all.. the dancing included the steps of “changing bulb” and “padling the boat with one feet”.

Well yes those were the first few days of folking together with other 1st years so that seniors cant spot me.. 😛 to having my dinner by 7:30 pm (if at all) so that I dont have to face the seniors..

I had found friends in Aninya, Annesha, Anindya and DD… well thats another blogpost for you.

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