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A facebook update regarding “Relationship”.

The bridge between the elder and the young is fast bridging, than was in the times so conservative. Yet the tradition of respect shall continue, when transparency is there mixed with shared values and responsibility. One slip, and you loose the worth you are..! (Just A Thought)[Link]

To this few people responded:

Avishek Roy (ex-BCETian, presently working in TCS) :

“traditional customs of respect do keep us apart and different from others”

Mr. Simarprit Singh :

‎”Worth” is becoming more tangible and in my view it is “no good worth” if it can be lost in one inadvertent/ or otherwise slip… times are changing 🙂

Sarbani Ghosh (Student, University of Delhi) :

I feel, personally, that the bridge was always in the making. Yes we are seeing tangible results now but it was always a fusion of thoghts of young and old. whenever a generation matures to take up the responsibility to run the world they assume supremacy, as in their ideals and values do. The bridge today is palpable but the differences even amog siblings is so great that the effective distance remains the same. Its always a one man’s thought that can confer some stability to the system , though short lived, but so has been the case always although the process is self- destructive as Marx always professed.

Debmalya Sen (ex-BCETian, presently working in Tech Mahindra) :

somewhere or the other the word respect is missing or rather should i say the awe is missing, its not with all but i do feel that somewhere with this bridge the respect is going lost…

Nikita Ganguly (student, final year, B.Com, South City) :

I really second ur notion on d need to develop n retain inter-personal relationship, ethics n values, especially on d part f youngsters n infact d urge to erase d differences shud b encouraged greatly by us!

To Mr Singhs response, I responded :

‎”worth” needs to be built sir, with credible work, inter personal relationship, transparency, ethics and values… its more of what you can share than what you need to recieve. Any person who sees a disbalance in the same removes the “worth” associated!

Yes, the social media is fast bridging the gap and the communication. Today, I follow my teachers on twitter, my dad has subscribed to my FB updates on mobile, so has many of my friends and yes, my own didi. We have access to our idols, near ones, friends updates so very easily. There used to be a time, when elders used to stay with their friends who matched their taste and age group. Today, a teacher can get in touch with his/her students, connect to them at a personal basis… but yes, should know where to draw the line. Few people mis understood my statement , but it I believe yes, to build inter personal relationship transparency is required.. “sharedvalues of respect for the other needs to be there.. if a senior/elder respects the other, the other must reciprocate.. else where does one relationship stand? In a similar way credible work and responsibility needs to be shared.. it infuses new spirit of responsibility and only takes both the parties in the relationship forward. Today, suppose I give Sourav a particular job, and he accepts it, I will be there to help him..while he will also learn from the work and the experiences that I would share.. but if his attitude towards me or the work isnt good, I have to be dismissive of the idea.

Similarly on the part of the elders, I feel if you donot add value to the system, share things with your youngsters, share your thoughts and values and try to dominate instead of sharing, it creates a bad impression.

I feel, understanding needs to be there both ways.. since the young people are young (ohk, thats the way I can put it best) and they lack experience and exposure to the outer world, the elders need to take the step 1 to communicate with the youngster.. The other way can also be seen, when the youngster knows he/she lacks experience, they need to understand how seniors can guide them.. they should be told the stories found in our religious books.

Anyway do leave your comments as to how a striking balance can be maintained, either here or at Facebook thread.

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