A reluctant photographers Mumbai visit!
My perception of Mumbai has always been of a city which is fast paced with warm but crazy people. This was my third quick visit to this city, second one in this year and the [Read more...]
My perception of Mumbai has always been of a city which is fast paced with warm but crazy people. This was my third quick visit to this city, second one in this year and the [Read more...]
Like any other year, I write this note in an introspection of the year 2015 that’s going to end, the various hits and the various misses, the people who have helped me and the way forward. I’m on my [Read more...]
What are "Cold Pressed Juices"? The packaged juices are pasteurised, thus giving it a longer shelf life but compromising with the nutrient quantity. Even when the juice is made in our homes, the [Read more...]
"Let’s use one hash-tag to share all our experiences over social media. What should it be?" “#100FireFlies”, said the very enthusiastic Madhura. The creative soul that she is, I couldn’t [Read more...]
A few days back almost all of our social media feeds were full with pictures of pumpkins. And they were meant to be scary! Being from the land of “Kumropotash” (Translation: Not found.), I can imagine [Read more...]
Durga Puja spells trouble in my life. A lot of people asks just too many questions about my work, hair fall or for the lack of any other topic – when I plan to get married! Outside my home, it is [Read more...]
Taking photographs using your mobile phone is no more just uploading photographs amateurishly and being happy about it. People now want professional quality photographs using their mobile [Read more...]
Gone are the days when theatre meant spending leisure time with families and restricted to a chosen few theatre halls. The Kolkata youth has taken it upon themselves to break the stereotypical [Read more...]
Even after my blog post on Mobile phone photography last year, I used to be a reluctant Instagram user, until I saw I have 998 followers. Since then, I have taken a special interest in this social [Read more...]
What is "Tales to tell"? It is a anthology published, featuring twenty new authors and twenty new artists by Kolkata Bloggers and BEE Books. A competition was conducted from January [Read more...]