Perhaps, the attached strings.
It was the early hours of Nov 21, 2011 that I tweeted : "What remains at the end of it all, is what had actually mattered. " I was thoughtful, but wasnt sure of what exactly I was thinking [Read more...]
These are my feelings abhibyakti
It was the early hours of Nov 21, 2011 that I tweeted : "What remains at the end of it all, is what had actually mattered. " I was thoughtful, but wasnt sure of what exactly I was thinking [Read more...]
NASSCOM or its events need no introduction. I shall skip that part, and shall start discussing what the section "Turn the table" was. It showcased 4 speakers, who's profession was somewhat driven by, [Read more...]
I am an alumni of St Pauls' Mission School, Kolkata. After having left school, I made it a point not to miss it. Instead concentrate more on the coming future. But something in my heart wished for... [Read more...]
Shot few portraits of Arpit and sharing it with all today. Please do suggest me improvements. tried playing a bit with the light and the shadow. Spot lights and street lights were used. ISO were as [Read more...]
Few snapshots describing Kolkata's mood in the morning. These shots were mainly taken in the northern part of Kolkata during 7:00 am to 9:00 am. The familiar abstract [Shobhabazaar, March 2012, [Read more...]
When it comes to photographing serenity in its purest forms, Nakoda Mosque has always been a preferable location for me. This was shot on 25th of March 2012, at Nakoda Mosque, Kolkata. Few shots are [Read more...]
Had an apprehensive start to this journey, but today we complete 60 working days at Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, marking the end of the Initial Learning Program. The professional transformation is [Read more...]
I had been wishing to try Smoke Photography for quite some time now, after being inspired by Prashant Awasti's work, and Abhijit Das' work. But, somehow didnot manage enough time or resources to try [Read more...]
I wrote an entire paragraph, and then I backspaced one character after the other.. Not that I did not have the option to select all and backspace, but backspacing one after the other seemed more [Read more...]
আশা - ও - আলাপ জানালা দিয়ে তোমাকে দেখা , আজ নতুন নয় ... তুমি পাল্টালে না | বেরোনোর সময়ে , সেই উঁচু গলায়ে - "মা আসি" বলে , আমার দিকে চাওয়া | আর তার পর? এক ছুটে চলে যাওয়া ... আমি বলি [Read more...]