The traffic light showed red. A long queue of people, cars, autos, trams, taxis waited for it to turn green. It was a long and intriguing wait for the red to glow green, All was at wait, standing still without proceeding. Eager faces wanted the change, the queue turned to a crowd with more cars jamming the street.
I took the opportunity to photograph few eager tensed faces. The situation seemed a political irony, 34 anyone?
Photograph courtesy : Anirban Saha Photography
heheh nice way of framing the situation …its really an irony . If we compare the political scene of Kolkata to a meagre traffic scene on a road , it seems quite similar…well we can say the reason is people sometimes want change …a change for betterment, a change to development, change to new growth…like on the road, change from red to green denotes forward movement towards a destination, a change from standstill to motion , similarly on the political ground it meant movement towards a new beginning, a better Bengal…
ha ha 34 anyone?? 😀 😀
gr8 concept
also the expression signifies the ordeal