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Anirban Saha

Of everything little.

Hi friends, this week I did not have anything great worth sharing. So to write a blog post today, I tried looking into everything, the little aspects of my everyday life and whoa! I feel blessed.

All these little bits of joys and disappointments are the building bricks that make our life. Isn’t it ?

What are the bits of Joys I would like to share with you today? May be the time when Soupayan cracked the stupidest of jokes and laughed at it himself. Or perhaps, tell me “It was funny, wasn’t it?” or “You too should laugh!”. Joy is when, after an entire day of work in office, you come home to read different blogs from Kolkata Bloggers and you discover that a younger boy, described you as a “dada” (Elder brother in Bengali). Happiness is when, I try hard to motivate myself and I close my eyes to visualise the happy moments. The only thing that comes to my mind is when Saimantick, in a hall full of people, suddenly acknowledges my contribution to his photography learning. To me, it was one of the proudest moments, prouder than the time I solved the old problem in ISI.

Soupayan Dutta

Saimantick Bhadra

Sadness is, when I need to scold them. Last time I scolded Soupayan & Saimantick, I could not hold my own tears. Not that I had any other choice. They have grown up with very little or no practical sensibilities. I might scold them a hundred times in the future. Well a hundred apologies and hugs shall follow. They’re kids.

Kapu, Aishani Saha

Talking about kids, how can I not talk about the little bit of happiness when I shouted, “Kapu pose kor! (Kapu, pose for me!) and Kapu stuck her head out from behind the curtains to smile and pose for me. It is heart warming to see how Kapu is slowly getting socially conditioned. If she needs to pee, she now can point towards the bathroom. After the meals, she rubs her lips with the wet towel. She screams out “Hatiii” when she sees a photograph of an elephant.

Oh yes, when she comes across another kid or a photograph of a kid, she screams “Babyyy”.

Kapu, Aishani SahaKapu, Aishani Saha

Happiness is when Debarshi da said, “We all are going to the event, because of you. You are a nice person with a good reputation.” Perhaps, that is why Hari Menon also has agreed to come to Kolkata. Happiness was when last year Hari Menon came to Kolkata and messaged me. We went out for a photowalk. Happiness was to see my friends super excited when they met Hari. Priceless smiles. This event might be making a hole in my pocket. But trust me, it is an incredible feeling.

Sadness is to see a few people calling me “dada” to use me like a commodity. Surya says, that this world is full of these people and I can not help. I should only think about my work and be done and dusted with them. Somewhat, my heart does not agree.

Sadness is when an IT employee does not know, neither does he encourage blogging. For that specific senior, the only reason of rejection was my blogging. The tone of mockery is what I had hated. Sadness again. But happiness is when in the same office, Priti and Surojit talks to me personally after having read my blog post and suggesting me betterment.

Talking about suggesting betterment, how can I forget those who get in touch with me? Happiness is receiving a comment on my blogpost. If you happen to read this, make sure you leave some comment. When I am already talking about comments, please make me happier, share the blog posts as well. Hahahaha.

Recently, I tried tried writing in Bengali as well. Happiness is writing in my own mother tongue. Well, sadness is to inform Bengalis that Hindi is not the “National Language” as per Indian constitution.

We are so surrounded by ignorance all around, isn’t it ?  People defending the Government’s inaction toward the advertisement maker, saying “Even we do these, we all download photographs from the internet. Isn’t it?” Yes Sir, and that is wrong. Please realise!  But his daughter was perhaps more sensible, “We do not know much about Intellectual Property Rights. We should get some easy resources.”. I smiled.

Somewhere my heart wishes to let loose and let go. Even I would want to spread my wings and simply fly. Across continents, opinions and intentions.  Happiness is this dream. Sadness is my inability to take off.

Ending this blog post with a few more photographs. Happiness is the Pujo feeling 🙂

While writing this blog post, I discovered 500 people follow me on Instagram. That’s another little bit of happiness added. You can follow me here.

PS: Please do not steal photographs. If you want to use my photographs, please drop me an email: or give me a call : 9903055542. I’ll be happy to help you 🙂



When was the last time you were happy? Leave a comment below.


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