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TCS interview experience

A lot of people share their interview experience at freshersworld and other related websites.. this is my sharing at my website, may share the link elsewhere.

~My Curriculum Vitae~

Of all the things mentioned in my CV (a similar copy of which is available at this site), I had it in the back of my mind, that since I am in the Entrepreneurship Resource Planning Cell and other similar student run groups, I might be interrogated in that sphere. It was somewhat anticipated, and even wished for… not expected though.

~ Before Interview ~

I was called at the first slot. It was an eerie feeling, and I was in a mood for comedy from the morning. I tormented dadu and all the people I met after I got out.. I was having full time fun with Satwati, NM, Sangita Majhi, Pashasti, Tripti, Piu.. seldom called Praveen to ask him about DBMS! 😛 took anindya out and met sudipto sir.. was chit chatting.. offered all joy-nogorer-moya (a typical rural bengal sweet dish, and is one of my favourites). When my name was been announced, I gulped a full moya , which ultimately got stuck in my neck. 😛


I entered the room. Wished him good morning with a smile (I remembered , Sayani’s dad asked me to keep a smile always.. and I was fully prepared to smile at every possible occasion) and stood there, until he asked me to take my seat, and I thanked him for that. He went through my White application form. (I was expecting him to ask me to introduce myself! ). He looked at me, while I again smiled at him (see! I am an obedient child!)

He smiled back and asked me “Why did you strike Geetalis’ name out?”
Me: The delegate there asked me to strike the name off as she is not my blood relation. She is the wife to my cousin brother – Romit, who has been specified there.
Him: But, she is your relative right?
Me: *smile*

Him: So? Blogger… of the three times national champions.. what did you have to do?
Me: Blog, and publicise our colleges activities ….(and I went on to discus it in objective details. I mentioned about my passion for writing and speaking and that we actually had to “market” our college to the outside world)
Him: So, your project was market your product to me, me being the first customer. explain why I should be accepting your offer and how it can benifit me in measurable terms as in money.
Me: *smile and exhibition of happiness, leaned forward, putting my two hands on the table*
Him: *giving me a blank A4 sheet paper* Take and you might also wish to draw diagram while discussing your project with a diagram.
Me: (took my pen out from my inner blazer pocket..went on to discuss my project… the platform used, the content management system used, the ideas, objectives.. how much he has to invest (=0)..concepts of the various components.. )
Him: If this is the case, where is the revenue coming from, is it sustainable? discuss the revenue model.
Me: *smile* (Left the pen and started discussion verbally of premium and sponsored stuff.. to the most accurate details, I remembered)
Him: Why are you using XML?
ME: (answered)
Him: why not as text files, writeups using FTP …(and various other methods)?
Me: (Discussed each with the full forms and why XML/RSS and how that is hassle free. In the discussion, I went on to take TCS’s website..and was interrupted.)
Him: are you aware of the TCS website?
Me: (affirmative with a smile.)
Him: whats the address?
Me: *confused* I am not sure, but I believe its , I googled it and I selected the first result *shy smile*
Him: *wishing to frustrate me* Are you this negligent?
Me: *smile*(and went on with my project)
Him: suppose you get a garbage or not the right value at date, how can you eliminate it?
Me: we will check it manually! *had no answers*
Him: Can you write a program for it? using the language you used?
Me: *very confident and boisterous smile* Yes Sir..(took the pen and the paper and wrote a code down… God only know how right or wrong that was!)
Him: How can you ensure the quality of the articles and the verification?
Me: (discussed it.)
Him: *seemed interested* What does your sister do?
Me: She is a CS student and working with my dad..err my father.
Him: Your father has his company?
Me: Yes, sir. He is an auditor.
Him: Why isnt your dad your first customer? He should be taking it first..!
Me:*shocking smile* (I took the relaxing posture, as I required time to think… in my mind, I was screaming – my dad is a kharoos person who hates whatever I do!!… but I had to be very sober!) I discussed this with my dad many times, he says it is against his professional ethics and not as per the institute .. i mean Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (remembering how my seniors used to scold me, when I said computer science or CSE instead of Computer Science and Engineering! and trying to put forward all the legal and forward puttable reasons by my dad.)
Him: May be because you couldnot convince him Mr Marketter! *sarcastic smile* He can easily have a finance related website which you can make for him..
Me: *smile* May be I convince him the time I meet him at a longer strech… he always seems busy!
Him: I think I am done with the interview…
Me: *smile and 32 all out! I was all cold inside… only my face was animate by then while every other organ seemed to have frozen*
Him: You have a problem being posted outside? because your sister may get married…(and I interrupted him there)
Me: No No sir..! It shall be good, I want to stay out of home… my father is doing great and all my cousins are outside.. my parents wish it too.
Him: I will send my feed back to the HR.. you enjoyed the interview?
Me: *overjoyed and a bigger smile* *lost me composure* Yes sir..! very much..! It was great to have to with you.. had a nice time. was tensed before entering.. but it was g… very good! (was going to say “great!”.. only not to exhibit over enthusiasm did I stop!)
Him: *BIG smile* Nya, you must have prepared all of Java, DBMS and all technical… and this is not fully technical though..
Me: Yes, sir… I prepared bits of almost all the subjects and I was mentally prepared for it.
Him: *smile* nya, if you insist, I can ask you bits from all those subjects..(i interrupted him)
Me: No no!!! its awright!! its fine.. (God only knows why I reacted that way.. but it was instantenous!)
Him: *bigger smile* hahaha! You want to ask me something?
Me: Sir, both my projects are in PHP/MySQL.. whats its prospect at our company TCS? (only to realise that I actually said “our” company… 😛 He must have thought me to be over confident~! was cursing me for this later on..)
Him: I dont think, we use that much… see , I am in only HR (me: *smile*) …(and he went on to say how oracle is supposed to be better and how I should learn things.. as they come my way..I went on to givemy gyaan on learning and how its an never ending process and how we have to learn at all point of time..the typical stuff I update at my blog!)
Him: yes.. you were good. It was nice talking to you.
Me: (I stood up thanking him and shook his hand. I was completely cold… 😛 He couldnt hold his smile ! and he smiled..I also smiled! 🙂 and bbyed him!) Bbye sir!

~end of the interview~

The results came out after 12 hours… and all the 12 hours, I was literally cursing me for being stupid and overconfident at times.. I kept on eating whatever I saw edible… from tic tac to candies… to biryani.. to KFC chicken… to whatnot!

But at the end of the day, at about 10:30 pm… when the names were announced, my name was at 10th.. so I didnt have to wait much. I bet, I would have had an heart attack, if i had to wait for long that time! 😛

I hope you had a good read… and I tried to be as accurate as possible.

~date: 4th Jan 2011~

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