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The fire within

anirban saha photography, flowers

The fire within, the fire without,
that drives to fuel your passions through.
The rocky roads of destiny,
the love in your heart have led you to ..

You could be the gigantic,
that has no bounds of shape or form .
Like the sky that streaches above your head ,
Like the cosmos that is far beyond .

Or you could be but a humble flower ..
dropped to the earth to rise as a tree .
or be plucked by a innocent belle ,
or placed as an offering for the Almighty .

Whatever may your purpose be ,
Be strong, be tender, be you, be free!

Shine on with the holy light ,
the fire that keeps on burning so bright.
within me, within you and all that’s there..
It’s the fire within, the fire without!

Post written by :  Avinaba Mistry
He is a 3rd year CSE student in Jadavpur University and a multi-hobbyist ! His hobbies include writing and rhyming.. and yes, he wrote this down within 5 minutes of me asking him to script something down! Other passions include – fiddling with Robotics, Sketching, singing composing .. playng guitar .. try his tricks with animation.. graphic designing …phew, and yes ! At times.. he cooks (all sense of the term) and cooks food real well. In all, a wonderful friend of mine. Do look forward to more of his posts in my blog.

Photograph courtesy : Anirban Saha Photography
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