I have always documented my college life, now those blogs are deleted. I remain with the memories only.
Now, this Monday I am returning back to Durgapur. A fresh new start to life.
Rush, Expectations… and less of Hue 😛
Whats new and perhaps different? I have shifted to a mess with Koustav, Avishek Karmakar, Dheeraj, Dipayan, Daipayan and their AEIE friends, all my juniors. Cant really be sure of a fantastic learning time, but yes there will be resource constraints and I am prepared for it.. What ever be it, it shall be fun!
I shall be joining Techshu as a part time programmer… from this month. Thats new life as well.
I have a site to my name, to experiment upon! and thats so JIO!
My 7th semester project, project conceptualised by Mr Mathew, it will be lead by Mr Prabhanjan Panigrahi.. At college my project guide will be Ms Sayani Mondal, and my team consist of Priyankar Kundu, Kamalika Das and Manisha Desai. I had kept Ms Mondal as my project guide in my mind for quite some time now. She had been a fantastic student and a senior herself and is one of the most reputed teachers in our college right now. Its my pleasure having her as the project guide. I have always admired Priyankar for his commitment towards work. He had been an intern with Web prachar for 6 weeks and I guess he loved it. Kamalika is a very nice sis of mine who writes the time table for me each semester! and I very obediently and neatly fold and keep it in my copy not wishing to open and see it. Manisha has lots of potential, she is an able speaker and very logical and practical. I hope we have a good time teamed up together!
In a way after the shamble of my personal life, this is a new beginning personally also. And yes, in the best possible way – away from home and with lots of work. Have been missing Anindya, Aninya, Annesha, DD, Sreyasi a lot these days..wishing to relive my 1st and 2nd year days where we used to have lotsa fun together!
Well thats exactly what I am going to do this semester atleast!!
Test comment.. 😛